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Car Wash Line

Make your data actionable!

Next Gen Car Wash POS + CRM

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Built-in CRM to track every customer

Assisted Upselling based on wash history

Employee level sales tracking

State-of-the-Art Integrations

Track every vehicle

Imagine being able to offer your grand opening special to every new customer individually.

With a built in CRM you can. Even customize the pitch!
Car Wash

Proven Success

See how Glide Express was able to use our built-in CRM to double conversion rates and sell 2,000 memberships in just 1 month!



Advanced LPR

Using the latest AI Technology to track and read license plates. We provide a transparent report to prove read rates and measure throughput.

Track every vehicle

Automatically track every member and non member. Record every customers wash history and use that in upsell campaigns.

Boost Memberships

With our assisted upselling module offers and pitches can be customized. Track every employee's sales and optimize schedules.

Marketing ROI Reports

True ROI numbers by tracking spend of each customer post coupon redemption. Know which channels are worth investing in.


Client Testimonials

“By combining the POS and CRM we get to capture the entire customer lifecycle and optimize every level of our operation to funnel them into a membership.”

Shawn Peterson

VP, Glide Express

“FlexWash's SpotAI integration saves my team over 20 hours a week. Investigating operational issues is just a one click function.”

Heath Owsley

Director of Operations, Glide Express

“Tracking sales % by employee is a game change. I'm able to focus on who needs more training and ensure our best sellers are scheduled on our busiest days.”

Adrian Lopez

Manager, Express Auto Spa

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